Jerry Perez

Jerry Perez

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    El cantante quotes

    • Puchi: What ever happened to your brother?

      Hector Lavoe: He died when he got here. He was supposed to take care of me.

      Puchi: Well, I guess we'll just have to take care of each other, okay?

    • Puchi: You know we haven't been straight for three hours a day, for what, 20 years? Not since we met. And we just go on with life like this. I love you, you know, but it's impossible, Puchi.

      Puchi: Impossible? Impossible? Oh, I get it. Now that our son is dead, it all comes clear to you? I'm this horrible bitch and you're a great guy? And maybe the best thing to do is make it official now? Is that what you're saying Hector? All of a sudden a fucking light bulb went off in your head and now you're realizing you and me ain't good together? That's what you're fucking saying to me, Hector? So we're just gonna just break things up to fix it up? That's your fucking genius idea? Fix WHAT up? NOW? You f... you fucking selfish bastard.

      [walks towards the door, then turns and faces Hector]

      Puchi: You can NEVER leave me.