Jel Djelal

Jel Djelal

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  • Extended Reading

    Dark Shadows quotes

    • Barnabas Collins: Yes, I killed Dr Hoffman, and those workmen, as well as some very nice unshaven people. For every life I take, a part of my soul dies! But I kill, only because I am COMPELLED to.

    • Barnabas Collins: [enters Dr Hoffman's laboratory] We must intensify our efforts! I have an urgent need to be human again!

      [stops short as he sees Julia injecting herself with blood]

      Dr. Julia Hoffman: I can explain...

      Barnabas Collins: My God! You're not using your blood to make me human. You're using my blood to make yourself immortal!

      Dr. Julia Hoffman: Barnabas, you have a gift. You better get a hold over yourself...

      Barnabas Collins: The Collins family took you in and bestowed their sacred trust upon you, and you brazenly betray that trust?

      Dr. Julia Hoffman: I'm sorry. I just didn't want to grow old. I want to be beautiful, and I want to live forever like you.

      Barnabas Collins: I am afraid that is out of the question!