Jeff Goins

Jeff Goins

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading

    Ford v Ferrari quotes

    • Carroll Shelby: Thank you. Well, if my daddy was here today, he'd tell me to sit on down and leave the yakking to the college boys so, like my cars, I'll make this fast. When I was 10 years old, Pops said to me, 'Son, it's a truly lucky man who knows what he wants to do in this world. 'Cause that man will never work a day in his life.' But there are a few, a precious few, and, hell, I don't know if they're lucky or not. But there are a few people who find something they have to do. Something obsesses 'em. Something that if they can't do it, it's gonna drive them clean out of their mind. I'm that guy. And I know one other man feels exactly the same. His name...


      Carroll Shelby: His name is Mr. Henry Ford.

      [applause from the crowd while Miles looks in disappointment]

      Carroll Shelby: And together, we're gonna build the fastest automobiles in the world.


      Carroll Shelby: And we're gonna make history too, at Le Mans.

      [applause, as Miles and Peter leave the event]

      Carroll Shelby: My name is Carroll Shelby. I build race cars.

    • [Shelby enters his office. Remington walks in]

      Phil Remington: Hey, Shel. That guy, you know the one in the hat, he's ready to close on those two 427s. His and hers. Full freight. They, uh, flew in from Galveston.

      Carroll Shelby: Uh-huh.

      Phil Remington: Uh, I need you to come outside for maybe a minute.

      Carroll Shelby: And do what?

      Phil Remington: Be Carroll Shelby. Tell them a story, spin a few magic words.

      Carroll Shelby: What does that mean? 'Magic words'?

      Phil Remington: It means... come outside and say hello and make them feel good about their purchase.

      Carroll Shelby: They're getting the damn cars. That's what they get for their money, Phil. Now, either they want 'em or they don't. Am I some kind of a lounge act?

      Phil Remington: No.

      Carroll Shelby: Am I here to talk people into things?


      Phil Remington: It's been six months, Shel. Six months.

      [Shelby sighs as Remington walks away]

      Phil Remington: Sometimes, they don't get out of the car.