[two drunken bikers sit down near Ennis, Alma, and their daughters at the fireworks show]
Biker #1: Whoooeee! Look at this crowd. Bound to be a lot of pussy on the hoof in a crowd like this.
Biker #2: All swelled up with patriotic feeling and ready to be humped like a frog.
Biker #1: So where you figure the most pussy's at - Las Vegas or California?
Biker #2: Hell, I don't know. But if you make it between Wyoming and Montana, I'd pick Wyoming in a minute.
Ennis Del Mar: Hey, you might wanna keep it down. I got two little girls here.
Biker #1: Fuck you! Asshole.
[to his friend]
Biker #1: Probably quit givin' it to his wife after his kids was born. You know what that's like?
Alma Beers Del Mar: Ennis, let's move. Let's just move, okay?
Ennis Del Mar: [to bikers] Now, I don't want no trouble from you. You need to shut your slop-bucket mouths, you hear me?
Biker #2: You oughta listen to your old lady, then.
Ennis Del Mar: Is that right?
Biker #1: Yeah. Move somewhere else.
[Ennis gets up and kicks the first biker hard in the face, then turns angrily on the second one]
Ennis Del Mar: How about it? You wanna lose about half your fuckin' teeth? Huh?
Biker #2: [backing off and leaving] Not tonight, bud. I'd sure rather not.
John Twist: Jack used to say, "Ennis Del Mar," he used to say; "I'm gonna bring him up here one of these days, and we'll lick this damn ranch into shape. Had some half-baked notion the two of you was gonna move up here. Build a cabin, help run the place.
[pause, spits in coffee cup]
John Twist: Then this spring, he got another fella gonna come up here with him. Build a place, help run the ranch. Some ranch neighbor o' his down in Texas. Was gonna split up with his wife and come back here. But like most of Jack's ideas... never did come to pass.
Jayson Therrien
Extended Reading