Cyrus 2022-12-01 01:43:22
【Turn】'Looking' At Relationships. How HBO's New Series Lays Bare Our Struggle To Find Sex and Love.
After months of anticipation, HBO's new series “Looking” premiered this past Sunday. Reaction so far appears mixed at best, with gays either loving its “honest and realistic” portrayal of a group of twenty- and thirty- something, single gay men in San Francisco, or finding its merry band of rainbow...
Treva 2022-11-21 17:37:23
Delicate, fresh and real American dramas are boring and uninnovative at the same time
The first episode is quite exciting. The scene of P (Patrick) dating the doctor is too real. This kind of thing has happened in many western gays.
Even if you have a meal, you can have the cheek to say that you want aa to make a doctor. The snobby personality is also a true portrayal of some people...

Javier Chavarin
Extended Reading