Jasper Newell

Jasper Newell

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    We Need to Talk About Kevin quotes

    • [repeated line]

      Eva: Franklin, where are you? Pick up the goddamned phone!

    • Franklin: Kev, Mom had something that she wanted to tell you.

      Eva: [Eva looks appalled and despite her efforts she finds that this time, she is unable to fake any sort of love towards Kevin] I wanted to... thank you for calling the ambulance.

      Franklin: ...And?

      Eva: And I was concerned... that you might be feeling... RESPONSIBLE.

      Kevin: Why is that?

      Eva: [on the verge of snapping] Because you were SUPPOSED to be looking after her!

      Franklin: We just don't want you to blame yourself.

      Kevin: No. I don't... I mean I... I never said I did.

      Eva: ...She's going to need a GLASS EYE, Kevin.