Jared Goldstein

Jared Goldstein

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    It's Kind of a Funny Story quotes

    • Bobby: See, that's the part I don't get, Craig. I mean, you're cool, you're smart, you're talented. You have a family that loves you. You know, what I would do just to be you, for just a day? I would... I would do so much. I would... I don't know. I would just... I'd just live. Like it meant something.

    • Bobby: I don't get wrapped up in a bunch of stuff I can't have.

      Johnny: Relax, it's just for fun, bro.

      Bobby: That's not fun. That's propaganda, man. All those Madison Avenue types telling you how to live your life. Fast cars, hot chicks... Reese's Pieces... Gucci... Werther's Original. I don't buy into that bullshit!