Lord Sheng Kuan: [Pai's cover has been blown and Sheng Kuan has him cornered] Pai Cheng-Tien, needn't run. You can't escape from me now!
Grandmaster Pai Cheng-Tien: Sheng Kuan Yuen... don't you believe that your Eagle Claw can beat everyone, it's not quite that invincible.
Lord Sheng Kuan: [chuckles wickedly] Our two techniques... for many years have been rivals. But today though, we'll see the end of yours.
Grandmaster Pai Cheng-Tien: Hmmph! Well don't you be too sure! I'm not scared of you! I'm ready to fight you, right now!
Lord Sheng Kuan: Good! But it's gonna be your last fight for sure!
[gets into the Eagle Claw stance and prepares for combat]
Lord Sheng Kuan: [after Chien Fu surprises him with his new technique] That technique! That isn't Snake Fist style! What is that?
Chien Fu: Hmmph! Cat's Claw!
[Chien Fu proceeds to attack again]
Jang-Lee Hwang
Extended Reading
Snake in the Eagle's Shadow quotes