James Vallo

James Vallo

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Sixteen Candles quotes

    • [Jake rings doorbell at Samantha's house]

      Long Duk Dong: OK. I'm comin'.

      [opens closet door]

      Long Duk Dong: Hello? Jeez, this place is so confusing. OK.

      [opens front door, screams, and shuts door]

      Long Duk Dong: Go away! I call F.B.I.! I call police! Go away!

      Jake: Open the door.

      Long Duk Dong: No way, Jose!

      Jake: Open the door.

      Long Duk Dong: You beat up my face.

      Jake: You grabbed my nuts.

      Long Duk Dong: [looks through frosted glass on door] That you?

      Jake: Yeah, that me.

      Long Duk Dong: [opens door] Oh, so sorry! I thought you my new--new-style American girlfriend.

      Jake: Forget it, man. Just get Samantha, all right?

      Long Duk Dong: She not here.

      Jake: Don't jerk me around, man. Where is she?

      Long Duk Dong: She got married.

      Jake: What?

      Long Duk Dong: She at the church. She getting married to oily bohunk.

      Jake: Married?

      Long Duk Dong: Married.

      Jake: Married?

      Long Duk Dong: Yeah. Married

      [closes door]

      Jake: [turns around, under breath to himself] Married?

      Long Duk Dong: Married! Jeez!

    • The Geek: Very nice! We're five minutes in... I'm at a loss.

      Bryce: Real smooth, Cliff.