James Donadio

James Donadio

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading

    The Blind Side quotes

    • Sean Tuohy: You really expect Michael to lay down on a couch and talk about his childhood like he's Woody Allen or something? I mean, Michael's gift is his ability to forget. He's mad at no one and he really doesn't care happened in the past.

      Leigh Anne Touhy: You're right.

      Sean Tuohy: Excuse me? 'You're right'? How'd those words taste coming out of your mouth?

      Leigh Anne Touhy: Like vinegar.

    • Leigh Anne Touhy: Sean and I have been talking and Michael, if you're gonna accept a football scolarship we think it should be to Tennesee. And I promise that I will be at every game cheering for you.

      Michael Oher: Every game.

      Leigh Anne Touhy: Every game. But I will not wear that gaudy orange, I will not. It is not my colour wheel and I'm not gonna wear it.