Jackson Beck

Jackson Beck

  • Born: 1912-7-23
  • Height: 5' 3" (1.6 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Take the Money and Run quotes

    • Virgil: **after another group of robbers enters the bank** "O.K., show of hands. How many people want to be robbed by *this* group?"

    • Julius Epstein - The Psychiatrist: Well, I think the conflict in this personality, uh, sorta started from his formative years. I think it gives evidence in his choice of the cello. For instance, studying the cello at the age of six. Is just coming out of the formative years, but the conflict is there in his choice. Because it is generally assumed the cello is a phallic symbol, I mean with the grasp and the lowest structural forms certainly a feminine, if anything motherly. In fact, the utilization of the bow, I would imagine is the sublimation of the stroking the torso. So between the grasping, the phallic and the stroking of the torso, would create, I would imagine great conflict. Even at the age of six.