Imogen Daines

Imogen Daines

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' 8" (1.73 m)
  • Extended Reading

    On Chesil Beach quotes

    • Florence Ponting: Edward, I want to make you happy. But I think I'm always a disappointment. You're always advancing, I'm always backing away, and we can't talk about it. We can never just be happy... or just be. You're always demanding something more and I'm useless at... And you go silent and unhappy and it's all my fault. And when I do... I mean when I say yes to something, even if I don't really want to, I know there'll be another thing that I'm expected to do. I'm no good at these demands.

    • Florence Ponting: You know I love you.

      Edward Mayhew: Still!

      Florence Ponting: I want to spend my life with you. And you feel the same. We love each other and we can set each other free. Edward, it must be obvious to you by now that I'm...

      Edward Mayhew: Florence, what is it?

      Florence Ponting: That I'm pretty hopeless. No, I'm absolutely hopeless at sex. I'm no good at it. I don't seem to need it like other people, like you do. I might change, but I can't imagine it. If I don't say this now, we'll always be struggling with it. It's going to cause you a lot of unhappiness and me too.