Hugh Spight

Hugh Spight

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  • Extended Reading

    The Elephant Man quotes

    • Mothershead: Sir! I don't quite... I don't quite understand why it is you allow that sort of people in there.

      Dr. Frederick Treves: Why? Because he enjoys it, and I think it's very good for him.

      Mothershead: Yes, but, sir, you saw the expression on their faces. They didn't hide their disgust. They don't care anything about John! They only want to impress their friends!

      Dr. Frederick Treves: I think you're being rather harsh on them, don't you, Mrs. Mothershead?

      Mothershead: I beg your pardon!

      Dr. Frederick Treves: You yourself hardly showed him much loving kindness when he first arrived, did you?

      Mothershead: I bathed him, I fed him, and I cleaned up after him, didn't I? And I see that my nurses do the same. And if loving kindness can be called care and practical concern, then I did show him loving kindness, and I am not ashamed to admit it!

    • John Merrick: There's something I've been meaning to ask you for some time now.

      Dr. Frederick Treves: What's that?

      John Merrick: Can you cure me?

      Dr. Frederick Treves: No. We can care for you, but we can't cure you.

      John Merrick: [matter-of-factly] No. I thought not.