Hanne Steen

Hanne Steen

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' 5" (1.65 m)
  • Extended Reading

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    Dread quotes

    • Quaid: Watching the fear of death, the pinnacle of all dread approach, that was the limits. Someone once wrote that no man can know his own death. But to know the death of others, intimately, to watch the tricks that the mind would surely perform to avoid the bitter truth, that was a clue to death's nature, wasn't it? That might, in some small way, prepare a man for his own death. To live another's dread vicariously was the safest, cleverest way to touch the beast.

    • [last lines]

      Quaid: [after tossing a knife next to a corpse] Let's see how hungry you have to be to get through that.

      Cheryl Fromm: No. No!