Jenny von Loeben: Nice view eh?
Gertrud 'Traude' Krüger: Today you did something extraordinary... and then you ruin it all. What is it with you?
Jenny von Loeben: I knew the window wouldn't break.
Jenny von Loeben: I ran into before, when my baby was born. Two or three stories up, where the view is even nicer. I was in labor for sixteen hours. When I told the doctor that I... that I couldn't take it anymore he said that I was just a con trying to stay out of prison. They should have done a Cesarian. But they didn't. They just let me tear. I blacked out. When I woke up, the nurse said to me... "Your baby... you baby is gone. It's just gone." Circulatory collapse. His name was Oskar.
Jenny von Loeben: [sobbing] Shit...
Jenny von Loeben: Three hours later they took me back to jail.
Jenny von Loeben: Nice name, Oskar.
Gertrud 'Traude' Krüger: So, Clara, can you do a curtsy now?
Hannah Herzsprung
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