Hannah Cheramy

Hannah Cheramy

  • Born: 2003-7-13
  • Height: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Colossal quotes

    • Oscar: So, you don't remember anything we talked about last night, huh?

      Gloria: I got really melodramatic, didn't I?

    • Gloria: [throws the bar keys towards Oscar] Here! There are your keys; I'm not coming back to your shitty bar!

      Oscar: [picking up the keys] Yeah you are.

      Gloria: [panting] Oh yeah?

      Oscar: Yeah.

      [Throws the keys at Gloria with enough force to hurt her]

      Gloria: [holding her stomach in pain] Ow!

      Oscar: [calmly] You're gonna keep working at the bar, or I'm gonna come back here tomorrow, and destroy an entire neighborhood.

      Gloria: [through her teeth, bringing her face close to Oscar's] Then I'll come back and I'll kick your fucking ass!

      Oscar: [still calm] No you won't. I'm done being Mr. Nice Guy.

      [Knocks her to the ground. Gloria grunts in pain as she hits the ground hard]

      Oscar: [leans down, calm] see you at work?

      [Gloria looks up at him speechless]

      Oscar: I'll see you at work.