Kirstin 2022-08-02 21:03:32
sex sex or sex
This year's sequel but that is all assembled Girl Sexy
Stifler family writing their legendary
most innocent lamb ah bird is
what it is ...... no reason yet to be marked with a sign Unrated
really helpless sheep ah
this film funny Obviously inadequate.
Many times it is not funny but very exposed.... -
Heath 2022-08-02 21:49:37
Regarding youth, we are just spectators.
This series has always been the same style-countless laughs and sex, but in the end it was the main theme.
American Pie 6 once again used sex and cold jokes to show the love of young Americans for youth, and the protagonist's love for love is reflected through the excitement of the group. Yearning...

Guy Quango
American Pie Presents: Beta House quotes
Noah Levenstein: Now, I've just talked to the district attorney. He's an old school chum of mine. He's willing to drop all the charges, if you promise never to set foot in the Silver Dollar again.
Dwight Stifler: This is ridiculous! Where am I gonna have Sunday brunch?
Dwight Stifler: Do you happen to remember the name of the last captain to ever win the Greek Olympiad?
Noah Levenstein: Well, I haven't the foggiest, because it was so long ago. I...
Dwight Stifler: His name is Noah Levenstein.
Noah Levenstein: Uh-huh. Well, I knew that would catch up to me one day.