Guillermo de Cun

Guillermo de Cun

  • Born: 1929-2-10
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights quotes

    • Katey Miller: [Javier walks out of his apartment to see Katey] Okay, I am.

      Javier Suarez: You are what?

      Katey Miller: Afraid.

      [Javier smiles]

    • Javier Suarez: Afro-Cuban dance, it's the dance of slaves. When they danced, it was their only time to be free. So they could be a bird, or do a Flamenco Step and make fun of their owners. Or just be in the sea instead of being stuck on an island away from home. It's a dance about being exactly who you want to be in that moment.