Elfrieda 2022-01-08 08:03:24
Where did pikachu go
I had many regrets in the first half of my life, such as not insisting on learning piano, never eating Haagen-Dazs, not cherishing the only little boy who expressed a good impression on me, not learning to dance ballroom, and never been to the Great Wall. . . As the years go by, it is impossible to...

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Flint: Pewter City is grey, the color of stone. My name is Flint, and you're sitting on my merchandise, young man.
Ash: You sell rocks?
Flint: Pewter City souveneirs, you want to buy some?
Ash: No thanks. I'm traveling trying to become a Pokemon trainer.
Flint: Well, your Pokemon is in bad shape. Come on, I'll take you to the Pokemon center.
Ash: He seems like a nice guy.
Misty: Are you sure?
Flint: By the way, that'll be a two dollar charge for resting on my rock.
Jessie: Buried alive and trampled. We've hit rock bottom!