Kadin 2021-10-22 14:35:15
Jack and Tony: the difference in faith
The difference between Jack and Tony lies in the uninterrupted persistence of faith.
After the end of Season 7, I have been thinking about how different Jack and Tony caused the two trajectories to be so different. Please like to say "this is the effect of the screenwriter" Yunyun's... -
Theo 2022-04-19 09:01:31
Look at the fifth season, the plot is more tense
I thought that the bombing of Air Force One in the middle of last season was already the pinnacle of the "virtual" plot. I didn't expect that after the first ten episodes of this season were finished, I felt that the rhythm was more tense and arresting than the previous seasons.. .At the beginning,...

Grayson James Matthews
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Sherry Palmer: We've had a hard day, but when you look at it in perspective, you'll realize I was acting in your best interest. And I know you're so mad at me.
President Palmer: I'm not mad at you.
Sherry Palmer: Oh, good.
President Palmer: I feel sorry for you.
Sherry Palmer: You feel sorry for me?
President Palmer: You've lost touch of what it is to be a friend... a parent... a wife. After today, I never want to see you again.
Sherry Palmer: David!
President Palmer: Please, Sherry, I've heard it all before. And I don't care what this may do to my candidacy. And it's not because I don't want to be President. I do. I just don't think you're fit to be the first lady.
Sherry Palmer: Do you really think you can just leave me? Don't you think for a second it'll be that easy!
President Palmer: Secret Service will escort you back to Washington when you're ready.
[turns away from her and walks towards the room exit]
Sherry Palmer: [screaming after David, who is ignoring her rantings] David, you don't just walk away from me! David, you can't do this without me! David, I'm talking to you!
[a secret Service Agent stops her from following after David Palmer after he leaves the room]
Sherry Palmer: Get your hands off of me!
[from Season 5 trailer]
Jack Bauer: [gun aimed at someone off screen] See you in hell.