Graeme Campbell

Graeme Campbell

  • Born: 1940-11-30
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    McCabe & Mrs. Miller quotes

    • Constance Miller: Listen, Mr. McCabe. I'm a whore, and I know a awful lot about whorehouses. And I know that if you had a house up here, you'd stand to make a lot of money. Now, this is all you've got to do: put out the money for the house. I'll do *all* the rest. I'll look after the girls, the business, the expenses, the running, the furnishing, everything. And I'll pay you back any money you put in the house, so's you won't lose nothin'. And we'll make it fifty-fifty.

      John McCabe: Excuse me, you know I already got a whorehouse operating here.

      Constance Miller: You can't call crib cows whores. I'm talkin' about a proper sportin' house, with class girls and clean linen - and proper hygiene.

      John McCabe: Well, I don't think you're going to find my clientele up here - too interested in that sort of thing.

      Constance Miller: They will be, once they get a taste of it.

    • Constance Miller: See, the thing is, it don't mean nothing. You never know, you might even get to like it. I mean, you managed it with Bart, didn't you? Eh?

      [fitting a Ida with some new underwear]

      Constance Miller: You really are small, aren't you. Just like me. I'll get a few pins.

      Ida: But with him I had to. It was my duty.

      Constance Miller: Turn around. It weren't your duty, lda. You did it to pay for your bed and board. And you do this to pay for your bed and board, too! Only, you get to keep a little extra for yourself and you don't have to ask nobody for nothing. Just more honest in my mind.