Georgina Haig

Georgina Haig

  • Born: 1985-8-3
  • Height: 5' 7" (1.7 m)
  • Extended Reading

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    Road Kill quotes

    • Liz: What if they're waiting for us?

      Marcus: Or maybe they just kept going like they didn't give a shit.

    • Craig: We're going to have a morning tea and chat with our truck driver.

      Nina: Are you serious? They just tried to kill us and now you're going to go ask for help? What happened to never leaving your vehicle?

      Craig: Look if we need advice from 101 things to do in the outback we'll let you know.

      Nina: But it just rammed us up the arse like we weren't even there? What the fuck are these truck drivers taking? Seriously where would they go?