Geno Silva

Geno Silva

  • Born: 1948-1-20
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Into the West quotes

    • Mr. Royer: [Sees the Lakota doing the Ghost Dance and grabs his pistol] This obscene display will cease immediately!

      Wovoka: This prayer. White people pray, go heaven. We go heaven too.

      Mr. Royer: You will stop dancing and disperse!

      [points pistol at him]

      Wovoka: [dancing and singing cease as all watch]

      [in Lakota]

      Wovoka: We should call him Young Man Afraid of Indians.

      [the Lakota begin to laugh]

    • Red Lance: [comes back into the house] You let the fire go out.

      Voices That Carry: Didn't notice.

      Red Lance: What good are all these white man's books if you don't know when you're cold?

      Voices That Carry: It's not that cold.