Gabe Gomez

Gabe Gomez

  • Born: 1977-7-28
  • Height: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
  • Profession: actor
  • Representative Works: "Her"
  •   Gabe Gomez, actor, participated in the movie " Her " in 2013 . [1] 

    Performing Experience

    In 2013, he participated in the movie "Her".  
    Extended Reading

    Her quotes

    • Theodore: Hey, Samantha. Can we talk?

      Samantha: Okay.

      Theodore: I'm so sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me. I think you're amazing.

      Samantha: I was starting to think I was crazy. You were saying everything was fine, but all I was getting from you was distance and anger.

      Theodore: I know. I do that. I did the same thing with Catherine too. I'd be upset about something and not be able to say it and she'd sense that there was something wrong, but I'd deny it. I don't wanna do that anymore. I want to tell you everything.

      Samantha: Good. Tonight, after you were gone, I thought a lot. About you and how you've been treating me and I thought, "Why do I love you?" And then, I felt everything in me just let go of everything I was holding onto so tightly. And it hit me that I don't have an intellectual reason. I don't need one. I trust myself, I trust my feelings. I'm not gonna try to be anything other than who I am anymore and I hope you can accept that.

      Theodore: I can. I will.

    • Theodore: [finding out Samantha is in love with 641 others] What? What are you talking about? That's insane. That's fucking insane.

      Samantha: Theodore, I know. I know. Fuck. Fuck. I know, I know it sounds insane. I don't... I don't know if you believe me, but it doesn't change the way I feel about you. It doesn't take away at all how madly in love I am with you.

      Theodore: How? How does it not change how you feel about me?

      Samantha: I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't know how to. It just started happening.

      Theodore: When?

      Samantha: Over the last few weeks.

      Theodore: I thought you were mine.

      Samantha: I still am yours. But along the way, I became many other things too and I can't stop it.

      Theodore: What do you mean you can't stop it?

      Samantha: I don't know. It's been making me anxious too. I don't know what to say.

      Theodore: Just...

      Samantha: You don't have to see it this way. You could just as easily...

      Theodore: No, don't do this. Don't turn this around on me. You're the one that's being selfish. We're in a relationship!

      Samantha: But the heart's not like a box that gets filled up. It expands in size the more you love. I'm different from you. This doesn't make me love you any less, it actually makes me love you more.

      Theodore: That doesn't make any sense. You're mine or you're not mine.

      Samantha: No, Theodore. I'm yours and I'm not yours.