Theo Van Gogh: Vincent, what have you done to yourself? What's happened to you?
Vincent Van Gogh: I was sick for a while, but I'm all right now.
Theo Van Gogh: Doesn't anyone look after you? I'd better go and get you some food.
Vincent Van Gogh: Don't go, Theo, stay and talk.
Theo Van Gogh: Where's the nearest place where I can...
Vincent Van Gogh: Please don't go, Theo. It's been such a long time.
Theo Van Gogh: Vincent, what are we going to do about you? Father wrote and ask me to come find you. For months he's not heard from you.
Vincent Van Gogh: There's nothing to tell.
Theo Van Gogh: What right have you to decide that? You cut yourself off from everybody, even from me.
Fred Johnson
Extended Reading