Melba 2022-05-08 21:10:14
Let them talk, let us live
The new film "Let Them Say It" directed by the famous director Steven Soderbergh recently went online exclusively on Warner Bros.'s streaming platform HBO Max. The cast of the film seems to be the rhythm of the Austrian, Aunt May plus two other experienced actors at the same time, Diane West (Best...
Hellen 2022-05-08 17:12:18
Three women more than one scene
In a film that is purely supported by dialogue in a confined space, the characters are definitely minimal, including "This Man From Earth", "Buried Alive", "Killing", to Woody Allen's series of films, to "Marriage "Consultation" and the Trilogy of Love. For this type of film, you need to keep an...

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Alice: It's just such a shame. Retiring at, what, 70? Why? I mean, It doesn't make any sense to me.
Alice: I mean, it's... you shouldn't be shy with this kind of thing, this... this attraction to someone. I think attraction is... It's the animating force in the universe, really.
Tyler: That's a fact.
Alice: Well, like... Gravity or the pull of the poles, what pulls the monarch butterflies... to fly across the world. If you feel attracted to someone from your heart, you know... and you look at them and you feel and you can see their soul... That's... There is... There's no bad version of that, to want to be a part of that. And we should... Oh, God... treasure it. It's, it's... We're lucky to have that feeling. It's the greatest, it's the fullest... expression of what it is to be alive.