Françoise Verley

Françoise Verley

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading

    Love in the Afternoon quotes

    • Frédéric: I think some element of mystery is essential for people who live together.

    • Chloé: You make me laugh. You really do. Why this insistence on proving you love your wife? If you don't love her, or less than at first, it's not a catastrophe. It's normal. It's normal not to want to always be tied to the same person. Marriage makes less and less sense these days.

      Frédéric: I don't love her because she's my wife. I love her because of who she is. I'd love her even if we weren't married.

      Chloé: No. You love her - if you really do - because you're supposed to. I couldn't stand being loved like that. But then I'm an exception. I won't accept compromises.