Arne 2022-06-19 16:51:00
about a character in a movie
irving in the movie: famous for faking the biography of howard hugh (the aviator's protagonist) (the cover of the book appeared in the movie), so it was also awarded TIME's CON OF THE YEAR. The 2006 movie THE HOAX tells this story. richard gere played IRVING.
In January 1971, an unknown novelist,... -
Cayla 2022-06-19 23:14:56
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Orson Welles
Documentary, as a new form different from film and literature, has a high degree of objectivity and authenticity. The recorded facts should be the only thing that needs attention, and the producer's subjective intervention and editing guidance should be restrained as much as possible. However, as a...

François Reichenbach
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Orson Welles: What we professional liars hope to serve is truth. I'm afraid the pompous word for that is "art".
Clifford Irving: I've known Elmyr for about eight years. We met when I was broke. When I was writing fiction. I wasn't selling it very well.
Orson Welles: His fiction didn't sell. Elmyr's biographer's a highly gifted writer. Does it say something for this age of ours that he could only make it big by fakery?
Elmyr de Hory: Le grande surprise!
Orson Welles: Cliff Irving's caper may well be the hoax of the century, but, really, this is not, you know, in any way the century of the hoax. We hanky-panky men have always been with you.
Elmyr de Hory: That's a fact.
Orson Welles: What's new?
Clifford Irving: The experts.
Elmyr de Hory: The so-called experts...
Orson Welles: Experts are the new oracles.
Elmyr de Hory: - are greatly pretentious...
Orson Welles: They speak to us with the absolute authority of the computer.
Elmyr de Hory: - pretend to know something what they only know very superficially.
Orson Welles: And we bow down before them. They're God's own gift to the faker.
Clifford Irving: All the world loves to see the experts and the establishment made a fool of.