Flip Filz

Flip Filz

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Amsterdamned quotes

    • Ruysdael: I wanted him to be happy. I didn't know his intention.

      Eric Visser: Revenge on society. Innocent people had to be slaughtered.

      Ruysdael: I can't believe it. He is sick and so is society.

    • Laura: I got us a reservation for dinner. For three by candlelight at a fish restaurant.

      Eric Visser: A fish restaurant?

      Laura: You don't like fish?

      Eric Visser: Uhh, no. I don't like anything that comes out of the water.

      Laura: I came out of the water, Eric.

      Eric Visser: Well, you're the one exception. Ahhhhhh!

      [purposely puts foot in the water to scare Laura then laughs]

      Laura: [smacks Eric in the arm] You clown!