Faith Potts

Faith Potts

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    12 Monkeys quotes

    • James Cole: [In 1990, James is being interviewed by a panel of mental health doctors and trying to explain the situation] 1996 is the past too, listen to me!

      [the panel of doctors look at James with skeptical expressions]

      James Cole: What I...

      [James realizing this isn't going very well]

      James Cole: ... what I need to do is make a telephone call. I can straighten this all out if I can make a telephone call.

      Dr. Owen Fletcher: [Very skeptical] Who would you call? Who would straighten everything out?

      James Cole: The scientists. They'll want to know they sent me to the wrong time.

      [Dr Fletcher just nods]

      James Cole: I can leave a voice mail message that they monitor from the present.

      [Panel has mixed facial expressions]

      James Cole: Can I just make one telephone call please?

    • [while driving, they hear a news report about a police mobilization]

      Dr. Kathryn Railly: [tartly] Does that disturb you?

      James Cole: No. I thought it was about us. I thought maybe they'd captured us and arrested me.

      [Kathryn looks at him and he gives a small smile]

      James Cole: Just a joke.