Collin 2022-09-12 15:08:38
Unclean: Makes me want to vomit
At the beginning of this movie, it was not so good. The actors played badly at the beginning of the movie. After that, the plot took a big turn, and it really scared me. There are no ghosts and no scary creatures. The cheap special effects scare everyone but make me I'm kidding, and then you're...
Cullen 2022-09-12 16:00:36
Beware of commoditization
Humans have a tendency to pursue false hopes. It seems that we are to believe in idealized miracles for our own comfort, rather than using material dialectical materialism as the driving force of thought and action. Sometimes, we are all like this, it's normal, but we have to make sure that we...

Evan Spiliotopoulos
Extended Reading
Faithful #4: [Speaking on Television] Blurry vision. Wobbly knees. No doctor could find what was wrong with me. But one look at Alice, and I was cured.
Gerry Fenn: [Turning off the television] Shut up.
Gerry Fenn: [Looking at himself in the mirror] Who's back? That guy's back! I'm gonna need new headshots.