Isac 2022-04-22 07:01:57
Hello future future.
Xiaojun's arrival of his new family member, his sister~Little Future, has divided his parents' attention and love for him. He is afraid of anger and resistance, and does naughty things that attract the attention of his parents, just because he is uneasy.
Through traveling through the future and the...
Theron 2022-04-09 09:01:08
Director Hosoda Mamoru is a very gentle person
The small courtyard at home is my time machine. The trees in the small courtyard record all memories with annual rings. I go back to the past to see you, and I also go to the future to see myself. I have seen you in the old days. I also meet you in the future. I will go. The road when you came, has...

Evan Smith
Ruby 2022-04-24 07:01:26
The mental journey of the bear child of the second-child family is only one more magical journey than that of other families. To be honest, in this growth process, I haven’t seen too many reasonable steps. Beauty is beautiful, but it’s a big void.
Blaze 2022-04-15 09:01:07
Anti-traditional and slightly bland. But the details of parenting are really fucking heartbreaking.
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Mirai: You did it again. You tried to hit me with your bullet train even after Mom told you not to.
Kun: But it wasn't a bullet train!
Mirai: You aren't supposed to use a bullet train to hit people.
Kun: It was a Super Azusa.
Mirai: [angrily] I don't care what kind it was!
Mirai: And why can't you be a little nicer to Mom?
Kun: I don't know, I just can't.
Mirai: It's her one day off from work. She doesn't get many and she has to spend it fighting with you. Come on, try.
Kun: [sniffling] I know... I'm not cute.
Mirai: Huh?
Kun: [crying, wipes tear from his eye] Both Baby Mirai and Yukio are really cute. Not me. I know I'm not that cute anymore.
[continues sobbing]
Mirai: Oh come on, that's not true. You're very cute!
Kun: [walking away]
Mirai: You're the cutest! Adorable!
Kun: [crying harder; runs away]
Kun (High Schooler): [off-screen] That's just awful. Yep, a complete wreck. I'm talking about your attitude. Boy, does it stink.
Kun: [looks inside train station, sees a high schooler sitting inside] Hello?
Kun (High Schooler): You're supposed to go camping, am I right? Catch bugs, watch fireworks, all that stuff. And you guys will be staying at your grandparents' place. It's the summer you've all been looking forward to. Think of all the happy memories you could be making together. But instead you don't wanna go. Why is that?
Kun: Uh... how do you know? Who are you?
Kun (High Schooler): What's more important, the color of your pants or your memories? Well, it's your choice. Just go home and say you're sorry already.
Kun: NO. I do NOT like them.
Kun (High Schooler): What?
Kun: [referring to his pants] AND I WILL NOT WEAR THEM!
Kun (High Schooler): [getting annoyed] No, you do not not like them.
Kun: [as a train appears] No, I don't not not like them!
Kun (High Schooler): No, you do not not not not like them!
Kun: Yes, I do NOT not not not like them!
Kun (High Schooler): NO! You do *not* not not not not not like them!
[train pulls into the station. Doors open]
Kun (High Schooler): Don't get on!
Kun: Uh...?
[looks back in hesitation]
Kun (High Schooler): Stop! Don't get on, 'kay?
[whistle blows. Kun glowers at high schooler and bounds for train]
Kun (High Schooler): No! Wait! Wait!
Kun: [glowers at boy as the train pulls away]
Kun (High Schooler): [gazing after it in disappointment] Little brat.