Eric Michael Kochmer

Eric Michael Kochmer

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Across the Universe quotes

    • Max: [impatiently] Hey, can we get the check, please?

      Katz's Waiter: [annoyed] In a minute.

      [waves him off]

      Max: ...What is with these pricks?

    • Jude: Well, I, I got a job.

      Lucy: ...

      Jude: Ya, as in, we'll pay you to do it.

      [after still no response from Lucy]

      Jude: Thought that'd you'd be pleased.

      Lucy: What job?...

      Jude: It's a logo for Sadie's record company.

      Lucy: ...

      Jude: It's a strawberry. Ya' know. Red, juicy... Sexy. Yea? Get it?

      [no response from Lucy]

      Jude: No?