Emyri Crutchfield

Emyri Crutchfield

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  • Extended Reading

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    Vacation quotes

    • Rusty Griswold: Well, I thought it'd be fun for the kids to see where you went to college.

      Debbie Griswold: Oh, God. Why would that be fun for them, honey?

      Rusty Griswold: You can give us a tour. Maybe one of them could study there one day.

      James Griswold: Oh, no. No way, man. I've got my sights on something a little more Ivy League.

      Debbie Griswold: [under her breath] Huh. Little fucker.

      James Griswold: What, Ma?

      Debbie Griswold: I love you. That's what I said.

    • James Griswold: Mom, do you think Uncle Stone will let me ride his horse?

      Debbie Griswold: I don't see why not.

      Kevin Griswold: Do think I can shoot his guns?

      Debbie Griswold: No, you cannot.

      Kevin Griswold: Too bad.

      Kevin Griswold: [to James] I would've shot you right off that fuckin' horse.