Stella 2022-10-19 18:05:10
New Shyamalan works worth seeing
1. Setting
This film is a typical type of film that revolves around an "idea", or "setting", and then generates a story. Therefore, this core setting has also become the biggest attraction of the movie, which is the so-called "high concept". The success or failure of the setting depiction often...
Vinnie 2022-10-18 01:49:05
Conquest of one scale over another
First of all, I have to say a little bit, I also think this film is better than the recently popular psychic medium. As a high-concept movie, "Old Age" uses the shell of a general thriller, desert island survival, biomedical company conspiracy, etc., but under the framework of the superficial genre...

Emun Elliott
Prisca: [to Trent aged 6] Stop wishing away this moment.
Kara Aged 15: [Kara and Trent sit in the sand as she clutches the remains of their newborn son and states off into the distance] We're not getting off this beach. We never had a prom. Or a graduation. There's so many memories we didn't have. It's not fair...
Trent Aged 15: [leaning against her] He needs to rest now.
[She looks at him, then away again, vacantly loosening her grip on the bundle and allowing him to take it]