Lukas 2022-05-18 21:27:13
The legendary Ragnarr (Ragnarr loðbrók)-another dragon slayer
What I want to share with you here is the Ragnarr loðbrók, loðbrók in the Nordic legend described in The NORSE MYTHS a guide to the gods and heros (translated by Guan Xinyue) by Carolyne Larrington. "Mao Pants") (from page132-137). The life of Ragnar from Nordic legends recorded in the book is...
Lizzie 2022-05-18 23:46:10
On the relationship between the wise and courageous Ragnar and the priest
Anyway, I am very sad. This unquenchable sense of sinking loss can be easily evoked as soon as I see the Viking Legends, and this feeling has lasted for nearly 8 months! I have known so many tragic lovers in my own film and television circles, and have seen so many depressed soul mates, but only...

Emma Eliza Regan
Haylee 2021-10-20 18:59:44
It feels quite flavorful. They are all big guys, I like them.
Hilton 2021-10-20 19:00:02
As an ancient civilized country that is currently a developing country, the people really laugh when they see the original desolate face of the developed countries. Anyway, the scenery is beautiful~
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Bjorn: He fights!
Ragnar Lothbrok: Good, and?
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