Jadon 2022-10-12 07:20:15
The wandering continues to wander, the slutty continues to wander
#Cassie: she's thin, she's blonde, she says wow.
Always saying lovely, that's cool and other meaningless sentences.
Thin, soft blonde hair, braided sideways in four circles, tied in a loose knot at the back. Lips like rose petals.
Dress like Taylor Swift, in an animal-print scrims knee-length skirt... -
Sarai 2022-10-11 01:45:17
the feeling of love, true love
I envy that feeling, whether it's effy and Freddie's heterosexual love, or neomi and Emily's same-sex love. They seem to have really found their true love, and they will be unable to extricate themselves because of love.
Even if they hurt each other because of love, at least they really loved each...

Elsie Kelly
Naomi: I think I'm going away for this summer.
Emily: Oh.
Naomi: Spain, Cyprus, perhaps. By myself. Spend some time by myself, you know, do some thinking by myself.
[clears throat]
Emily: About what?
Naomi: Let's just be friends, okay?
Emily: We say that, don't we?
Naomi: [beat] Yeah, have a good summer.
[starts to walk off]
Emily: [beat] I'll miss you
Naomi: [stops, a beat, then turns around and kisses Emily]
Naomi: I can't stand it. I can't
Naomi: .
Emily: It's okay
Emily: It's okay
Naomi: Jesus!
Emily: [laying in bed together] I wish I had a mom like that. Katie and me, we were always together. Everything together. Eating, sleeping... Until we were nine we used to take a dump at the same time.
Naomi: [laughing] Jesus!
Emily: Yeah. No secrets. There was no point.
Naomi: [beat, then serious] What about this one?
Emily: [beat] Naomi... I wanna tell people.
Naomi: That you're gay?
Emily: I wanna tell people about us. Come to the college ball with me.
Naomi: Why would I want to do that?
Emily: Why not?
Naomi: Em, it's nobody's business.
Emily: Why? Who cares what other people think?
Naomi: Emily, I'm not like you! I'm not sure, like you are.
Emily: What aren't you sure of?
Naomi: Can't thinks ever be complicated?
Emily: Fine, you like boys, too.
Naomi: Maybe. Maybe I like only boys, apart from you.
Emily: Well, that's fucking great! You're so in touch with yourself, aren't you?
Emily: Come to the ball with me, like we're together.
Naomi: [beat, then Emily gets up] Don't do that.
Emily: No, you don't do that!
[gets dressed]
Emily: I'm not your fucking experiment! Where are my fucking shoes?
[looking around]
Emily: Oh, fuck it! Keep them! I'm tired... So sick and tired of it.
[looking intensely at Naomi, beat]
Emily: We're still holding hands through a catflap, aren't we?
Emily: Have fun in Cyprus.