Elizabeth Tripp

Elizabeth Tripp

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  • Extended Reading

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    • Joseph Keenan: [at the inquest, staring into space]

      Agent Carol: And then what happened? Special Agent Keenan? Special Agent Keenan?

      Joseph Keenan: [breaks out of it]

      Agent Carol: What happened?

      Joseph Keenan: I subdued the suspect... with a head butt.

      Agent Carol: [amused] A head butt?

      Joseph Keenan: Yes sir. The suspect was standing... unnaturally close. And then the trumpet blast sounded three more times, and a fourth and a fifth. By then it was pretty clear that the Rapture wasn't going to happen, so we rounded up the remaining Five Pointers.

      Agent Carol: Hey, what was it? The trumpet blasts?

      Joseph Keenan: Pardon?

      Agent Carol: The trumpet blast, what was it really?

      Joseph Keenan: Oh, that. Well some new neighbors, these eco kids from the university with a compost collective - they've got an acre off of the ass end of the Five Point property, other side of the hill. Abin's been giving them a bunch of guff because of the smell of the compost.

      Agent Hammond: Was it bad?

      Joseph Keenan: [laughs] Gets so you could taste it. But Abin's been harassing these kids, sending some of his bigger boys over to bitch at first, maybe break a window or two. Then I guess they went old school - lots of sugar in gas tanks, burning bags of dog shit.

      Agent Carol: The college kids?

      Joseph Keenan: No, that was Cooper and his church. The eco kids never so much as called the cops. They got creative instead. They thought it'd be funny to take a page out of Revelations and get Cooper and his family's hopes up with the trumpets. So they got this big-ass rusty old siren from a fire house that just got a new one. The fire chief said they could take the damn thing so long as they carted it off, it's as big as a Mini Cooper. So they trucked this thing down to their compost collective, they put it in a barn, they hook it up to an iPod of all things. And they played these single note trumpet blasts they pulled off the Internet.

      Agent Hammond: And they had no idea that you were even there?

      Joseph Keenan: [shrugs] Just dumb luck...

    • Joseph Keenan: You said this was going to be a simple in-and-out, sir.

      [holds phone up to sound of machine gun fire, then speaks again]

      Joseph Keenan: Simple just shit itself.