City Councilman: [told by Bud to leave Lynn's house] Maybe I will. Maybe I won't.
Bud White: [flashes his badge] LAPD, shitbird. Get the fuck outta here or I'll call your wife to come get you!
[while Lynn hides a smile, the client gathers up his clothes, and walks out front door]
City Councilman: Officer.
Bud White: Councilman.
Sid Hudgens: 'It's Christmas Eve in the City of Angels and while decent citizens sleep the sleep of the righteous, hopheads prowl for marijuana, not knowing that a man is coming to stop them! Celebrity crimestopper Jack Vincennes, scourge of grasshoppers and dopefiends everywhere!' Ya like it, Jackie boy?
Jack Vincennes: Yeah, subtle.
Elisabeth Granli
Elisabeth Granli, actor, appeared in the TV series "Escape the Night" in 2016.
Extended Reading