Elijah Stevenson

Elijah Stevenson

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' 10½" (1.79 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Captain Fantastic quotes

    • Ben: [about flirtatious girls] Go talk to them. We got time.

      Bo: Ask her what she thinks of the working people creating an armed revolution against the exploiting classes and their state structures?

      Ben: Well, Marxists can be just as genocidal as capitalists.

      Bo: Or weather or not she's a dialectical materialist and accords primacy to the class struggle?

      Ben: Avoid Marxism. Or telling her you're a Trotskyite.

      Bo: Trotskyist. Only a Stalinist would call a Trotskyist a Trotskyite. And I'm not a Trotskyist anymore. I'm a Maoist.

      Ben: Right. I forgot, sorry.

    • Ben: [stops the bus to lecture his moping children] We can't go to mommy's funeral. We have to do what we're told. Some fights, you can't win. The powerful control the lives of the powerless. That's the way the world works. It's unjust and it's unfair. But that's just too damn bad. We have to shut up and accept it.

      [now turning around in his seat]

      Ben: Well, fuck that!

      [starts the bus back up and turns on loud bag pipe music]

      Kids: [all cheering]