Dustin Schwarz

Dustin Schwarz

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    The Horse Whisperer quotes

    • Tom Booker: There was a boy from the Blackfeet reservation, he used to do some work around here for a while. Sixteen, strong kid, good kid. He and I were really, really good friends. One day he went swimming and dove headfirst into the lake... and right into a rock. And it snapped his neck, paralyzed him. And after the accident I'd look in on him from time to time. But he wasn't there. It was like his mind, his spirit, whatever you want to call it, just disappeared. The only thing left was just anger. Just sort of as if the... the boy I once knew just went somewhere else.

      Grace: I know where he goes.

      Tom Booker: I know you do. Don't you disappear. You do whatever you have to do to hold on.

    • [Tom walks up to Annie with two horses]

      Annie: The answer is 'no'.

      Tom Booker: I haven't even asked you the question yet!