Desmond 2022-06-09 21:46:14
it's over. now no more decent shows.
ep9 is the best so far
"u dont want them to see or hear or know, u can bury it, u can bury it so deep, u wont find urself anymore. but u wish u hadnt"
"the truth doesnt get easier to tell , it only gets harder, until its gone 4ever"
im touched by jacks courage, and the deep down feeling for silas... -
Jerrell 2022-10-12 08:29:21
About the Bible, about King David
There are many stars in the sky, but only one is the brightest. There are many Davids in the world, and there is only one of the most famous. "The Kings", a magical American drama, the script is directly based on the "Bible". David is the hero of "The Kings". In the drama, the story of King David...

Drew Henriksen
Extended Reading