Donald Foley

Donald Foley

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    The Invention of Lying quotes

    • Richard Bellison: [surprised by the homeowner during a burglary] What are you doing here? It's Monday at noon. You're not supposed to be home now!

      Man at the Door: If you must know, I'm incredibly stressed at work, I've come home early, I'm having a bit of me-time. More importantly, what are you doing?

      Richard Bellison: Well, I was gonna rob your house.

      Man at the Door: I don't like that idea. Not a fan of that at all.

      Richard Bellison: I'm not gonna do it now, because you're in.

      Man at the Door: Do you know what's gonna happen? I'm gonna call the police, you're gonna be arrested.

      Richard Bellison: Well, I'm just gonna leave, and you don't know my name.

      Man at the Door: What is your name?

      Richard Bellison: Richard Bellison.

    • Anna's Mother: Man In The Sky forbid!