Don Knodel

Don Knodel

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    The A-Team quotes

    • [in prison, Faceman approaches a very familiar-looking prisoner holding a bottle of tanning lotion]

      Lt. Templeton 'Faceman' Peck: Listen, now I know this is good for the body, but how do you protect the face?

      Pensacola Prisoner Milt: [smiles] You don't mess with it, kid.

    • Lynch: Hey don't let the scarf fool ya, my Muay Thai's pretty good. My Jiu Jitsu's a little better.

      [after Hannibal beats and disarms Lynch]

      Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith: Your Muay Thai is as bad as your Jiu Jitsu Lynch! Best stick with a gun.