Derwin Jordan

Derwin Jordan

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Extreme Measures quotes

    • Dr. Guy Luthan: Something strange has happened to one of my patients...

      Dr. Jeffrey Manko: [not paying any attention] Now why won't this new system accept my security code?

      Dr. Guy Luthan: Okay, listen...

    • Dr. Guy Luthan: Listen to me for fuck's sake I'm not killing anyone! I'm here because whoever did kill Claude has fucked up my life! Is Teddy here? If Teddy is here, you *have* to let me *see* him!

      Mole Lady: [after a long pause] He's here

      Dr. Guy Luthan: [as Ted writhes in pain] How long has he been here?

      Mole Lady: Four days. We found him at the factories, he was trying to make his way back here

      Dr. Guy Luthan: Okay, I just need to turn him over. Here, hold his head

      [it reveals a nasty gash exposing a vertebrae]

      Dr. Guy Luthan: Jesus... That's why they do the lab tests

      Mole Lady: Who's 'they'?

      Dr. Guy Luthan: [not appearing to hear] That's why they do the lab tests. Someone's using healthy subjects

      Mole Leader: Why us?

      Dr. Guy Luthan: They think you won't be missed

      Mole Leader: It's Gramercy, isn't it? That's where we all go

      Dr. Guy Luthan: Wait a minute, what others are you talking about?

      Skicap: He knows... and this motherfucker's in on it!

      Mole Leader: [he glares, warning the other man to back off] We had a guy from the dockywards... they take the strong ones, they take men

      Dr. Guy Luthan: They're playing with healthy spines... someone's cut him...