David Beecroft

David Beecroft

  • Born: 1956-4-26
  • Height: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
  • Extended Reading

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    Creepshow 2 quotes

    • Sam Whitemoon: Look at this. Look at this sweetheart. Tell me this ain't a movie star. What're you, kiddin'? They gotta make me a movie star. Hey. As soon as they see this hair they gonna say, Sam, get over here. Get in front of these cameras. There's a hundred million women out there just waitin' to run that hair between their legs.

    • Sam Whitemoon: It's okay. There's nobody else around. We're outta here. We're outta here, Fatso! We're outta here, man! We're outta here for good!

      [aims his shotgun at the general store]

      Sam Whitemoon: No more of this baloney, man.

      [shoots a section of the store]

      Sam Whitemoon: No more eatin' dust for a living.

      [shoots another section of the store]

      Sam Whitemoon: There ain't no dust in Hollywood, man.

      [shoots another section of the store]

      Sam Whitemoon: And there ain't no damn tribe of Tommin', wimpy red men, neither!

      [aims his shotgun at the Chief Wood'nhead statue and not only shoots a little piece off, but also spills the can of red paint]