Clemens 2022-12-02 23:53:54
after watching
In fact, the storyline of the film is quite conventional, and there is nothing surprising about it, but because of its daily life and infinitely close to life mode, it comforts many people in the real world. Many people complained that it was just a bowl of thick and tender chicken soup, expressing...
Ewell 2022-12-07 02:22:45
About the show's racial issues and the status quo of black Americans
It can be said that the show handles other issues ok. It does seem to be deliberately politically correct on the racial issue, but it can’t be too blasphemous for the screenwriter. The current political atmosphere in the United States is like this. Therefore, the image of black people in the film...

DaShawn Barnes
Orion 2022-04-21 09:02:27
Don't watch it in public, you don't know how embarrassed it will be next time someone sees red eyes, and can't imagine how you can have red eyes so many times in one episode
Alexane 2022-04-22 07:01:32
This show is like coffee in McDonald: cringely sweet, totally predictable, while being consistently cloying and fake