D'Army Bailey

D'Army Bailey

  • Born: 1941-11-29
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Mystery Train quotes

    • Newsvendor: Well, hello, doll. What can I do you for?

      Luisa: I would like to buy this newspaper.

      Newsvendor: Well now, you should buy this one here as well. The Tri-State Defender.

      Luisa: No, thank you. I think I need only this one.

      Newsvendor: Well, you know, you only need one leg to get around on if that's all you got. But it sure helps having two, now, doesn't it?

      Luisa: Oh, well, uh, yes. This one too.

      Newsvendor: How about some magazines?

    • Dee Dee: Hey! Listen... They're fucking.