Natalie: Wait a second. Isn't there another legend about a guy with an axe in a woman's backseat?
Sasha: Hello? My mom still checks the backseat before getting into her car.
Natalie: That's how Michelle Mancini died.
Brenda: Oh my God.
Sasha: What are you trying to say, Natalie?
Natalie: It's like someone out there is taking all these legends, and making them reality.
Parker: [Sasha and Brenda seem momentarily worried for Natalie, but Parker seizes the moment] Well, my big question is: what is he gonna do next, huh? Maybe put spider eggs in bubblegum? Or maybe ram a gerbil up a celebrity's ass?
Sasha: Wait a second. This is definitely not a myth!
Natalie: What?
Sasha: The gang high-beam initiation. It happens all the time. Gang members drive around with their headlights off, and when someone goes and flashes their high-beams to warm them, they kill them! That's why I never warn anybody about anything when I drive.
[Natalie seems uncomfortable about this topic]
Sasha: Anyways, I've gotta go. I've got some homework.
[Sasha picks up her Kama Sutra book and Natalie laughs]
Natalie: See you later, Sasha.
Sasha: Bye.
Danielle Brett
Extended Reading