Daniela Krhutova

Daniela Krhutova

  • Born: 1973-4-9
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Children of Dune quotes

    • Irulan: Must you insist on sneaking away like this?

      Ghanima: I still feel him


      Ghanima: , Irulan, his presence; sometimes I even think I can hear his laughter in the wind.

      Irulan: Mocking your decision to marry Farad'n I hope?

      Ghanima: Why should he mock it?

      Irulan: I cannot stand by and let you be used as a pawn in Alia's schemes.

      Ghanima: Is that what you think? That I'm being used? That I've agreed to this marriage as part of some conspiracy with Alia?

      Irulan: No, but I know you Ghani, there is more to your decision than anyone else believes.

      Ghanima: Alia wants my grandmother back, Farad'n is simply the means.

      Irulan: But what do you want?

      Ghanima: Farad'n's blood on the wedding sheets, not mine.

    • Alia: We will have a corner on the scarcest commodity in the universe!

      Lady Jessica Atreides: You will have a corner in hell!